Argon is an inert gas, it is in third place in dry air (0.93% by volume).Argon is non-metallic element, the element symbol is Ar. Argon is a single-atom molecules, elemental is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas. Argon is the most abundant one in the air of rare gases, because there are a lot of content in nature, argon is the first discovered rare gas. Chemically very active, but the system has its compounds - hydrogen fluoride argon. Argon can not burn, nor combustion. The earliest use of argon is inflated inside the bulb. Welding and cutting metals with a large number of argon. For arc welding of stainless steel, magnesium, aluminum and other alloys of shielding gas, welding that.
Its non-reactive nature makes it suitable in a food product, and since it replaces oxygen within the dead bird, argon also enhances shelf life.
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